INFORMATION - Pictures & Other Info

TOGA Lunch Party
From a recent FREE lunch at Red Lobster. Whenever we have extra money just laying around :-) we take all the members out for lunch on the club!

Toga Software Sale
It is software sales like this that pays for the free lunches above. Thanks to the generousity of people who donate Amiga hardware and/or software, we have user group sales where software usually sells for under $5 and hardware usually sells for under $20! The money is used to pay for the library dues, donuts at each meeting, and coffee.

A special "Thanks" goes out to Aaron (our club librarian/donut procurer) for the above pictures!

TOGA Logo designed by user group member.
TOGA LOGO designed by a user group member.

Temple.jpg designed by Dave Kolden.
Raytraced image designed by Dave Kolden.

Another Temple image by Dave Kolden.
Raytraced image designed by Dave Kolden.

Courtyd0.jpg image by Dave Kolden.
Raytraced image designed by Dave Kolden.

moontrain.jpg image by Dave Kolden.
Raytraced image designed by Dave Kolden.

moontrain2.jpg image by Dave Kolden.
Raytraced image designed by Dave Kolden.